Ultimate Services Australia is a Specialist Child, Youth and Family Services Organisation based in Greensborough. We provide a number of services specifically for young people 12-25 years of age run by some of the most qualified and experienced Youth Workers, Social Workers and Counsellors in Australia.

Spring room

Ultimate Services Australia is a service for young people between the ages of 12 to 25. We can only engage with young people who have provided consent to the referral. N.B. If the young person is unable to provide informed consent due to mental state (e.g. psychosis), please contact us.

  • If the young person is at high or acute risk of suicide, please contact emergency services on 000.
  • Please note that receipt of the referral form does not indicate acceptance to Ultimate Services Australia programs and services. Suitability of the referral will be determined following assessment with the young person. Please contact the relevant service site to confirm receipt and discuss the outcome of your referral.
  • To assist with the referral, please attach any relevant assessment notes, discharge summaries and/or additional information. We will endeavour to respond to referrals within 24 – 48 hours business hours. If you have any queries pertaining to your referral, please call the relevant site using the contact details above.